Wednesday, January 28, 2015

20 Realities of Having an Office Job

1. First off, the caffeine addiction is completely unavoidable.

2. There is always that one person who hits "reply all" to company-wide emails.

3. You have to use a quiet voice, in fear that your co-workers will learn too much about your personal life.

34 Struggles Everyone Who Works In An Office Will Understand

4. And you’ll hear this question way too many times on Monday.

34 Struggles Everyone Who Works In An Office Will Understand

5. There’s always a person who types SO GODDAMN LOUD.

6. Over time you hear way too much about your co-workers lives.

34 Struggles Everyone Who Works In An Office Will Understand
I really don't care about your kids

7. Some co-workers just never shut up

8.  All your lunches will be eaten at your desk, and it will be sad.

Because all your lunches will be eaten at your desk, and it will be sad.
9. Higher-ups are always very keen on their latest “fun” idea that makes you cringe so much inside.

10. Has a conference call ever solved anything? Really?

wednesday animated GIF
11. Printers just hate everyone.

12. Yet another email about the office potluck.

13. Your favorite coworker givers her two-weeks notice.

14.  Meetings will drag on FOREVER.

34 Struggles Everyone Who Works In An Office Will Understand

15. Coworkers suggests having another meeting to recap this meeting

16. Emails from the right person next to you who could just stand up and use their words, are a continual annoyance.

Emails from the right person next to you who could just stand up and use their words, are a continual annoyance.

17. And people are always asking you questions

18. The boss said you can leave early.

19. And eventually, you get to go home!

20. Then your boss emails you on the weekend